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Two People Killed In Mandera Attack


Mandera County Governor, Ali Roba, has accused security officers in Mandera of lethargy in dealing with security threats.

The Governor, who spoke following an attack on two police camps in the county by suspected Al Shabaab militants, asked security personnel to increase surveillance.

He added that they have all they need to ensure the safety and security of residents and their property.

Suspected Al Shabaab militants are reported to have stormed the village, killing two people at their residence in Fino town in Lafey Sub-County of Mandera County. One of the victims is said to have been a national police reservist.

Mandera county commissioner Onesmus Kytha confirmed the incident saying the attackers were repulsed by police officers after they received reports from the local community following the attack.

Kytha said the government will not relent on the war on terror adding that security has been beefed along the border towns to avert future attacks.

The County Commissioner lauded the locals for their timely information and asked them to cooperate with the security agencies by providing timely information.

Source: Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

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