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Bomet Police Launch Manhunt For A Terror Suspect


Police in Bomet are looking for a man suspected to be a member of the terror gang, Al Shabaab (pictured). The suspect escaped a dragnet in Ndanai, Sotik sub-county, authorities said.

Area police commander Francis Nga’ng’a said a woman who was living with the suspect was in custody and was helping police with investigations.

Police said they impounded 12 pairs of military boots, four jungle trousers, one pair of jungle socks, one jungle hut, one Kenya Air Force belt, 10 mobile phones and three knives they found in a house the two were living in.

“We have reasons to believe that the suspects were planning something bad. The items in their possession mean they were up to something,” Mr Nga’ng’a said.

He identified the fleeing suspect as Wesley Kipngetich Langat and the woman in custody as Jackline Chemutai Langat. Police believe they were living as husband and wife.

“This is clearly a very dangerous person and members of the public should tread with caution and report to police any leads that will see him arrested,” he added.

The police boss said Ms Chemutai was cooperating with detectives. The incident has sparked fear among residents, with police urged to step up patrols and conduct thorough investigations to weed out such criminals in the society.

Youth leaders in Sotik have asked the police to involve the public in their investigations. “As youth, we are ready and willing to help police to weed out such groups in the society,” said Robert Mutai.

Source: Standard Media

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