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Somalia: US Embassy in Mogadishu congratulates newly Elected Galmudug president, amid political stand off.


MOGADISHU, Somalia-US Embassy in Mogadishu on Sunday congratulated the newly Elected Galmudug leadership in a statement released by the Embassy, amidst political stand off that led the the Galmudug to form three rival administrations.

“We congratulate the newly elected President of Galmudug State, Ahmed Abdi Kariye (Qoor-Qoor)” The embassy statement read, ” The United States remains committed, determined and focused on advancing our shared goals and objectives of realizing a secure and prosperous Somalia for all Somalis. The people of Somalia demand it, future generations expect it, and Somalia’s leaders must enact it.”
The United States calls on everyone to commit to participating in a peaceful dialogue and avoid threat or use of violence as the Embassy closely watched the political process in Galmudug, calling today’s election a beginning to a broad -based political reconciliation process

“The United States calls on everyone to commit to participating in a peaceful dialogue that jointly addresses the challenges facing the region and the country. It is the responsibility of everyone to avoid the threat and/or use of violence.” The embassy statement added that Galmudug is critical to the future of Somalia and to the continued response to ongoing threats to the security of the Somali people. A re-energized process of dialogue and compromise will be necessary on all sides.

Ahmed Abdi Kariye (Qoor-Qoor) who is a federal government backed candidate was elected in a controversial election that took place in the town of Dhusamareb, a city which already hosts a rival administration.

Ahlu Sunna Waljama leader who was recently elected as president of Galmudug warned the possibility of outbreak of voilence, should the Federal government proceed plans to hold further elections, the group said in a statement on Saturday. While the former president of Galmdug Ahmed Duale Geelle Xaaf was re-elected by another local parliament in the central Somalia town of Galkacyo.

Galmudug State of Somalia now has three separate presidents and three local parliaments, while the federal government only recognizes one president.

Many fear that violence might break out anytime as the two of the presidents are based in Dhusamareb, the headquerts of Galmudug.

Similar political rift hit the elections of Jubbaland state of Somalia, which resulted the government to cut ties with the region following elections that the government said were not inline with the elections procedures set by the Ministry of interior of the federal government.

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