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Ilhan Omar: Trump ‘is the worst president we’ve had’


Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar asserted that President Trump “is the worst president we’ve had” during a Monday night interview with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow.

Responding to the president’s Sunday barrage of tweets directed at Omar and three of her congressional colleagues known as “the squad,” the freshman congresswoman also said that Trump was “inept” and “corrupt.”

Trump suggested in one Sunday tweet that Omar and her liberal squad can “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” The president then doubled down on his sentiment by saying on Monday, “if you’re not happy, you can leave.”

He further said of Omar, “In one case you have somebody that comes from Somalia, which is a failed government, a failed state, who left Somalia, who ultimately came here and now is a congresswoman who’s never happy, says horrible things about Israel. Hates Israel. Hates Jews. Hates Jews. It’s very simple.”

During a press conference with “the squad” on Monday, Omar and Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib called for impeachment proceedings to begin against Trump. Omar repeated her calls for impeachment on the Rachel Maddow Show and said of Trump’s suggestion that she go back to a broken, corrupt country with inept leaders, “We are living in one. He is that president.”

Source: AP

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