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AMISOM Kenyan contingent, Somali Security Forces mark International Women’s Day


Dhobley:- Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) female troops under African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) were joined by female officers of the Somalia Security Forces and representatives of women group leaders from Dhobley town to celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day at AMISOM Sector II Headquarters in Dhobley.

Under the theme, “Choose to Challenge”, the AMISOM’s Female Engagement Team (FET) spent the day assessing the roles and involvement of women in championing for peace, security and stability in the Somalia.

The day was marked with songs and dance and tree planting exercise within Sector II Headquarters. The AMISOM troops also donated maternity kits, sanitary towels, cleaning equipment and foodstuffs, which included rice, flour and cooking oil among other items. The women group leaders present in the ceremony were also sensitised on the COVID-19 containment measures and maternal health issues by the medical personnel based at Dhobley Level II Hospital.

Speaking during the celebrations, Maimuna Abdi Mohammud, a community leader, thanked the AMISOM troops for empowering women in the area through the FET, an initiative that has improved the standard of living.

“We appreciate your efforts of not only guaranteeing security in Dhobley, but also sharing knowledge and ideas of how we can improve our lives, which has empowered us socially and economically,’’ said Mohammud.

The chief guest, the deputy commander of the Kenyan AMISOM contingent, Col. Pascal Kitiro commended the female personnel for the sacrifice to ensure regional peace and stability.

Col. Kitiro also urged women to take advantage the opportunities offered by both public and private institutions after majority of them implemented policies and frameworks guiding gender mainstreaming.

‘‘The security forces have advanced innovative laws, policies and programmes to change discriminatory beliefs and practices to accommodate women and achieve gender parity,’’ he said.

Col. Kitiro assured the women leaders that AMISOM troops would continue to work jointly with them to improve their lives through Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) activities.

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