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Najax A true love story that will make you cry. Part3



like a noodle, that it started to beat. Success without understanding
what was going on was silent. In the front yard, there is a plant
The green has been slowly stopped. Standing between them, laughing
They put it on their lips. Sahara’s hand on the flagpole
imagined spread before them to leave a memory. “No
What are you doing now?” There is no answer. They are in the room
filed. She threw some cloths.

“Put your clothes on”.

Without a word, she stood up. A little dangerous
That’s what it looked like. Okiyalo, those who read it are hung up. Desert
and standing here is the one who pointed to the place where she should stand.
Hooda said, “Stand there, your little one is in love”.
Laughter is added. She stood up instead. “The microphone
grab it”. She gave him a fire. “Take a picture of us in the Sahara”. Desert
She took it off, and she took some instructions from the top.
“Say it like the preachers, and turn the microphone down
Far away, are you brushing the beast?”. It was welcoming, so
invisible to the rest of the room. On the back of the big paper
is evident. When it was finished, the clothes were removed.
others were arrested, taken outside, separated
took it. Two hours later, it was over. Say something
he still remains.

Hooda said “come, sit here for me”. “The two days
Next, you are now at your grandmother’s house without internet
going”. “What do you say?” “Listen, taking you to the desert
As it was done, he was banned from Facebook. Hoodo and
Sahra started their work. At night she came on time
put the pictures they were together. “Good trip to Najah,
win forever. Good job, God willing, we will miss you.
The next morning they talked to her. “Here are the pictures I brought you
sent, enter their first part, and follow the ‘mansha of Allah’
The meeting is going well, and after that, leave Facebook.”

Naxha is dizzy, but very aware that her good friends,
They only want good things, so it happened. The next day the photos
their second part, which she was wearing other clothes, her face
drove. People just say “Mansha Allah, congratulations to Najah”.
thinned out. Sahra and Hoodo, information about what Nax can do
If not, they are taking a shower. The people told him that governor
chosen for. Many Africans who were competing for that position, alone
took it away. The show has caught on. People liked it, but
and they knew that this city is only on one side.

– Tonight is the night, tomorrow would come. The plan remains the same
Hoodo did, in the evening she called. And she answered.
– If you know what’s going on on Facebook, you don’t know your grandmother
lie down.
– Brother, surprise your God! What did you do?
– Let’s make you a star with the same light.
used to live? By God, I am surprised. I will give you a hand and a leg
stand up, if I had five legs, I would stand up for you.
– Listen first, you’re coming down tomorrow. The plane
From Kenya it lands at ten in the morning.
– Hey?
– Be ready at half past nine.
– And then?
– Where are we going to take you to, it’s lonely!
– Don’t yell at me, am I leaving again?
– You are coming down.
– How do I get down then?
– This child talks a lot, my mother is calling me, I have dinner

Prepare, tomorrow at the time I told you to be ready.
The carriage is white-eyed, smiling, and dressed
Come and see, when they flocked to the house where Najah was.
The glasses that covered most of the face were turned away as they did so
pass the door. They stepped on a thin yard, two
An empty wall is buzzing around when they step
half drive to the front of the house. It sits in a little oil
When they came out, it was Najax’s grandmother.

Sahra, who finds the old man, lovingly throws it away

“What’s up sweet grandma?” She didn’t answer. Hoodo said, “Naa dee
The woman is in whose ear raise the voice”.
Grandma: What are you shouting about? Don’t wake the children up from us
be quiet
Hoodo: Alas, the poor thing has gotten worse. The children
Where are you?
She continued to speak when Najax came out.
Najax: Ladies, did your grandmother show you today?
Look at these women!
The action and the sound were accompanied by the whipping hands that they like
It makes sense. Every living thing that was there did that
He had put it to watch over it. Repentance from her shoulders
begins and ends in its heaps,
where many shoelaces begin. The three of them
and the queen is pointing towards the airport
The plane moved.

Sahra: Tell us, you only needed the show!

Hoodo: Can’t you see us first! The girl just keeps shining.
Sahra: The plague is on you, if you find it in sand.
Najax: Woman, shut up, I’m coming down, what?
These were the ones that never left!
The scene arrived, the car was parked at a distance. It is successful
Wondering why the car was singled out. “Brother, what are you doing?
They didn’t park the car?” He doesn’t know anything. The feet are
on the floor, a fat suitcase on the back
handed over. Hoodo made several phone calls. Boy what?
understanding and uniformed workers came to him. He was successful

He put it through a small door on the side and went inside
stopped, “sit here, when you see the second plane come
sit down, just follow the people who are leaving”. He moved away. Shocking.
It just happened, we don’t know any other way. It’s the first plane
Looking through the glass, she knew it wasn’t hers.
About an hour later, she stopped. He sighed

“What if that plane crashes in the air
did you have? The two crazy people told me to pretend to be dead
had a colle’”. She waited until the crowd was gone
different tests. After a while someone came down
became. She was dragging a bag and headed outside
She put her feet together. Light up her face easily
A slap was followed by a sound coming from the left. It is
two voices she knows well and nine others she doesn’t.
She glanced at it, and it reached her. Her heart pounded with laughter

A thousand kinds of flowers were put on his neck
several others were hanged. They are friends who don’t know each other very well. It is
I didn’t take it. A good welcome was made to Sahra and
Hoodo was our beard. And they dispersed when they
See that enough pictures have been taken. Good luck and congratulations
With a dizzying kiss, the car was driven away
sat down. She has many questions that she wants answers to
first. “First of all, what is wrong with you? The person is not something
Don’t tell them!

What were these people?”

Sahra: There are people welcoming you.
Hoodo: Let’s urinate. You know
Isn’t it a “literal worship”?
Najax: Who is the little one? What was the name of the person? Give it to me
the teacher who baked the bread.
Hoodo: Listen, what are you famous for?
Success: give a thousand things.
Hoodo: Isn’t she the woman who posts everything on Facebook?
even when going to the bathroom?
Najax: Leave the plague to me, it was worst the day it came
wrote “Leave father and mother alone”. God willing! Illeyn is not dead
drown it!

Hoodo: And you know what “Ambaro dae” means.
Najax: She knows the man, I know.
Hoodo: All these women passing by and all that
Be the loudest on Facebook. Each one is unique
popular, they have one thing in common: many people are connected to them.
Sahra: What are we using? Every woman has her own radio station
equivalent. Besides, she is friends with you, then
When she posts pictures on her page, the little guy will see them.
Hoodo: God, that’s easy, or it’s a point, it’s a point
leave it.

Najah: What about your interests if you are busy?
Hoodo: But this is great. Shut up, you lover
I hate it, can’t these people live alone!
She is not looking for a man.
They put themselves in the shade and a cold drink from the hot sun. A story
not all tails were caught. Friends who were separated and
her country. Unexpected laughter and conversation on the phone
looking down and the glasses on the table. It’s from the desert
turned to the whispers, “we are saying, what is left for us now?”

Najax: I came down first and said, give it to the people of the country
what are you doing?
Hoodo went out on her own, she left.
Sahra: Now we have to make contact with you.
Success: Isn’t it? We need “long prayers” then
Sahra: Well, it’s harder, now she’s running ahead of her
Say, we are calling her, let her catch the man.
Najax: Yes, then let’s see what’s going on.
what did i say
Sahra: a disaster! Shut up about me then.
Hoodo woke up. “Urine”.
Sahra: Huh?
Hoodo: We need an office.

In dry land, we do not deny water, thought Hoodo
agree. It has a special consideration. Although the three of them
They are equal siblings, yet Hoodo is closer to her
Desert. By nature the two understood each other. Sahrina is a leg
missing and complete them. When you want to be successful, think about it
Persuade, like going on a quick trip, Hoodo came along
sends. She tells him privately. And success is not denied. Anger
Every one can destroy it. The laughter of Nax is in Hoodo

They are closer in age than Sahra. Maybe that’s it
that caused them to be so close to each other.
At that point


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