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Nigerian security forces and human rights groups are looking for a father who deliberately broke the arm of his two-month-old baby


Nigerian security forces and human rights groups are looking for a father who deliberately broke the arm of his two-month-old baby, and the reason was said that the father was disturbed by the baby’s crying.

The man, whose name was given as Confidence Amatobi, from Imo state in southern Nigeria, escaped after committing the act.

However, human rights organizations have called on the Imo state government and the police to arrest Amatobi.

Since the incident, no one has heard from the father of the child, who fled his home after realizing the magnitude of the crime he was accused of committing.

How did it happen?

In this matter, he was told that no one had filed a complaint with the police about what this father did to his little child.

But the head of the Nigerian Association of Women Journalists, NAWOJ, Imo state branch, Dorothy Nnaji, said the man hit his son with a wound that caused his arm to break.

According to reports, Mr. Confidence Amatobi is 31 years old. His wife, Favor, is 20 years old. This mother said that this act happened last Thursday when she handed the child over to the father.

She said that she heard the baby crying, and that is what prompted her to rush to find out what happened to her little son. Then she realized that her husband had broken the boy’s hand, and within a short time, the hand was swollen.

After that, she asked her husband why he broke the arm of his little child; Amatobi told his wife that the baby’s crying bothered him and he couldn’t help it.

When Amatobi realized that his little son’s arm was broken, he began to bandage it. After that, he locked his wife and little son in the house, where they stayed for two days.

In this matter, he intended that his neighbors would not have a chance to find out and inform the police about his brutal act.

Favor said she finally found a way out of the house after two days of being stuck there, and her neighbor helped her take the child to a hospital.

However, the child’s hand fracture caused the hand to become infected and amputated.

What are the security agencies doing about it?

Earlier, the security forces in Imo state arrested the man accused of this act, but he escaped.

Human rights organizations in Imo state have vowed to arrest the suspect and hand him over to the security forces for trial.

This issue has caught the attention of social media as people are very upset and condemn this act against the child.

Last year, a couple killed their son for stubbornness in the same Imo state. What has not been confirmed so far is that Amotobi is mentally ill and that he did this on purpose.

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