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The people of Kenya went to the general and presidential elections this morning


The people of Kenya went to the general elections this morning to elect representatives of local councils (47 local councils), regional governors (47 states), members of the lower house (349 members), senators in the upper house (47 senators) and the highest office of the country’s president. .

A total of 22 million 120 thousand and 458 people are registered to vote in 46 thousand and 232 polling stations across the country.

The massive election started this morning at six o’clock in the morning and will be concluded at six o’clock in the evening of the same day when the polling stations close.

The results of the elections are expected to be available starting at 6pm today.

The outgoing president, Uhuro Kenyatta, did not participate in these elections because he led the country for two terms and the law did not allow him to explain himself later.

The former prime minister of Kenya, Mr. Raila Odinga is facing a tough competition from the Kenyan Vice President William Ruto, and the prediction seems to be that Odinga.

When you look back at what our country Somalia is known for elections and how long it takes, what did you lose?.


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