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Press statement from the Somali disability people


On Friday 13 February 2021 groups of Somalia disability people took meeting in Mogadishu to discuss the current situation of the PWDs persons with disabilities and the DPOs the disabled people organizations. The meeting is participated 15 persons from the type of the disability mostly physical challenged and the blind people.

The participants of the meeting were the representatives from the disabled people rights activists, the heads of the DPOs and IDP camps of the disability people, the disabled people cluster, Somali Disability Network and the National Disability council most of the key actors of the disability issue in Somalia.

The participants discussed the situation of the disability people in the country mainly the social, political and developments where most of them raised argument from the massive discrimination against the disability people in the decision making organs particular the time of their work, activities and consultation in the national disability agency establishment  and the selection of the top members of the board of the agency

Most participants thanked to the law makers who made effort to pass two laws for the disability people from the 2017-2021 first  the national disability agency  establishment law  passed the parliament on November2018,  and singed the president on December 2018.  And the second the  CRPD the convention rights persons with disabilities in 2019 an important law giving the Somalia disabled people protection and participation for social, humanitarian, development and policy

Members of the disability council have been complaining lack of cooperation with ministry of the human rights and women in Somalia from the 2017 2021. The two ministries served the office prevented the disability people and the DPOs operating  in the country. They have collected groups working with them. Who have no active  role and contribution  in the disability issue?  The activist who worked hard the issue has been discriminated for their experience, skills and knowledge of the isse.

Finally the cabinet passed the proposal from the ministry of the women and the human rights on  Thursday 21 January 2021  cabinet official meeting. Five top members of the national disability agency . that has raised the complaint of the disability people when they saw the team in the proposal letter are mostly unqualified,  without experience the disability rights  activists and defenders.  It was effort to make devalue the disability people rights and work.

The members participated the meeting discussed more report from the disability people.  Problems with ministry of the women and human rights.          The national human rights commission that was established the 2017 where PWDs persons with disabilities have one representative was also misused and taken by members of the minority of the women and human rights who nominated members of their families.  And corrupt process that finally failed and lacked the recognition from the local and international community.

For the disability agency passed Thursday 21 January 2021   the members participating meeting make argument the screening and selection of the top members of the board remain doubt and question with their CVs and qualification that need to presented to the members applied the agency how the failed and  how these group are qualified.

Most participants in the meeting agreed the suspension of the disability agency and Waite the net parliament 11 legislation of Somalia that will be elected 2021 the next months. And the next government the prime minister and president to make amendment the national disability agency establishment law, drafted lack of role for the disability people and their organizations.

Finally members of the participants in the meeting issued statement

  1. We thank to the federal government of Somalia and parliament for their commitment the establish law and national disability agency
  2. Unfortunately, the ministry of the women and human rights unfairly and lack of transparency  selection and screening  of the candidate  apply,
  3. we kindly request consultation with disability people and their leaders for the process of the decision making the disability rights and role models and the selection process.
  4. Finally, we recommend to the Somalia federal government president HE Mr. Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo not pass the corrupted process of the national disability agency Stolen from the disability people.

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