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Lower Shabelle Governor pays courtesy call on AMISOM Commander in Arbiska.


Mogadishu:- The Governor Lower Shabelle region, Hon Abdulkadir M Nur Siidi on Tuesday paid a courtesy call, on Col. Jimmy Nabiyu Musoke, the commander of Ugandan troops, serving under the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), based in Arbiska, 30 km north west of the Somali, capital, Mogadishu.

During the visit to the tactical headquarters, the Governor thanked Col. Musoke, the commander of Uganda’s Battle Group 30, for ensuring security in the Lower Shabelle region of Somalia and Mogadishu in particular, adding that Uganda and Somalia enjoy great historical ties.

Governor Siidi noted that Uganda had been prompted to intervene in Somalia due to the cordial relations that the two countries enjoy, and a pan-African spirit- to help find “African solutions to African problems”.

Col. J. Musoke meeting a delegation from Lower Shablle, in his Office at Aribiska.

The Governor recounted that Somalia had in the past intervened to restore peace in Uganda, noting that there is a huge number of Somali’s in Uganda, engaged in various businesses, which is good for regional trade.

The Governor informed Col. Musoke that he had decided to pay him a visit at the Forward Operating Base (FOB), following his re-election.

On his part, Col. Musoke, who represented the AMISOM Sector 1 Commander, Brig. Gen. Don William Nabasa, thanked the Governor for the visit, noting that the cordial relations between the local leadership and AMISOM troops will help solve security problems in the area.

Col. Musoke applauded the Governor for leading the delegation and for the fruitful deliberation, noting that AMISOM does not work in isolation but with the host communities, local leadership and key partners.

The Battle Group commander briefed the delegation on the security situation, noting that there had been isolated cases of road side explosions and attacks on some hotels, mainly targeting innocent civilians, an act he condemned.

Col. J. Musoke meeting Lower Shabelle delegation led by Hon. Abdulkadir M NurSidi.

Col. Musoke assured the delegation that acts of criminality will soon be a thing of the past, given that both AMISOM and Somali Security Forces have built the requisite capacity to deal with such situations.

“I appeal to enemies of peace, to value the lives of Somalis and treat each other as brothers and sisters to help the country regain its lost glory,” Col. Musoke said.

He advised the local leadership to preach against acts of discrimination based on clannism and land conflicts so as to save lives.

Col. Musoke urged the Governor to lobby for support to combat the current famine situation affecting over five hundred families in Internally Displaced Camps(IDPs), mostly affected by floods and locust invasion.

Col. Musoke expressed optimism about the prevailing security situation, which he noted is good for consolidating the gains that Somalia has registered on its path to recovery.

In attendance were the commanding officer of AAC, Lt. Col. Muhamud Ssemakula, Garrison Commander Lt. Col. Ali A Taban, senior officers and Heads of Department among others.


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