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Breaking:Al-Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Dhere Confirmed Dead, The Somali Army media reported


The media, which is the mouthpiece of the Somali armed forces, has announced that the general spokesman of Al-Shabaab, Sheikh Ali Dheere, died on the 2nd of October as a result of severe injuries sustained in heavy fighting in El Qooxle area of ​​Hiran region on the 29th of last month.

After the heavy fighting that took place recently in the area of ​​El Qooxle under the Moqokori district of Hiran region, there was a lot of news that the general spokesman of Al-Shabaab Ali Dheere was injured in the fighting that took place there and lasted for many hours. Now the media speaking in the mouth of the Somali government forces have reported that Ali Dheere has died of injuries sustained in the battle of El Qooxle.

“Important information that SNA RADIO has received from a reliable source says that Al-Shabaab Terrorist Spokesman Conspirator Ali Dheere passed away last Sunday at 04:30 in the afternoon in Adan Yabal district in the Central Sh. Region. Conspirator Ali Dheere These days, he was admitted to the hospital with serious injuries in the fight between the army and the people of the liberation of Hiraan with the terrorists.
Eel-qooxle area in Hiran region, last Thursday which was 29. Sep. 2022” was said in the text published on the website of the media that speaks in the language of the government forces.

However, this statement published on the website of the military comes as the federal government has not released an official statement on the death of Ali Dheere and the federal government, when a senior member of the Al-Shabaab group is killed, usually issues official statements through the Ministry of Information. In Somalia, it is worth noting that three days ago, a statement from the Ministry of Information said that Abdullahi Nadir, one of the founders of Al-Shabaab, was killed in an airstrike.

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