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Somali DPOs the disabled people organizations and the PWDs persons with disabilities are very much commenced the situation in Somalia for the coming  elections parliamentary and president 2021 where the stakeholders the political parts, presidential election candidates, federal state and the federal government has difference the elections

Somalia disabled people have greater concern for the  coming election to be exclusive  deliberately excluded from the election law and committees formed the last weeks of 2020 . where the disability people have not been mentioned quota of the voters that was mentioned women and youth.

Somalia disability people sadly remain lack of voice behind the international community, the federal states and federal government who are  key actors of the decision making Somalia political. Where women and youth were given  access and legitimate quota in some points of the law and the communities.

In respect of the CRPD the international convention rights persons disabilities that Somali joined 2019 as the 178 members state. Which has full obligation to the federal states and federal government for the protection disabled opel rights and  the participation of the social, development and policy in the country

Finally the disabled people send their message to the Somali civil society, traditional leaders, election committees, election observers, federal states and federal government of Somalia to insure the role of the PWDs persons with disabilities in the voters and candidates. As well the DPOs the disabled people organizations to be participated election work coordinating parts the civil society and the observers

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