On Saturday 29 may 2021 in Mogadishu the monthly disability cluster is held in the IEDP conference hall for the members of the cluster . the meeting participants were some of the DPOs, Teams and institutions members the cluster. Members from the physically challenged, deaf and members from the parent of the children with disabilities. The top respected actors participated the meeting are the Somali Disability Network and the national disability council.
The participants discussed the implementation of the previous session April 2021 and fallow up of any activity the disability people in Somalia. Mainly the issue in concern human rights, education, political participation and the covid19 impact among the PWDs in the country particularly in Bandir region the capital city of Somalia.
The agenda of the meeting
- Overall situation of the PWDs and DPOs
- The implementation of the CRPD
- Humanitarian aid of the PWDs
- Political participation in Somalia
- AoB
The members in the meeting discussed the situation of the PWDs persons with disabilities and DPOs the disabled people organization in Somalia. A country with nearly 3 million PWDs who have legal representation policy and development in the country. Where CRPD exist as document that has not value more than signature and membership where both civil society, international community and government violates every day in the day to day operation and works in the decision making tables and activates.
CRPD is an international convention signed most matins in the world members the united nation. An obligations that should be applied in the social, policy and development in any member state where PWDs respected among the people. Where ther should be free tolerance for PWDs discrimination and harassments against the personal, group and organizational from the PWDs in the country
The civil society in Somalia who are the major non state actors representing the nationwide Somalia people has role and engagement with social, humanitarian, policy and development in Somalia. Where inclusive for all is the them e of their works, reports, proposal and fundraising. Where there is massive discrimination in the humanitarian aid distribution work and activities in the country.
The donors in Somalia spent the social, development, policy and security hundreds million dollar every year. With partnership of the civil society, international NGOs and members of the government organs that implement exclusive program and project deliberately depriving the role and rights of the PWDs and DPOs as beneficiaries and partner organizations.
Somalia federal government made 8 commitment to implement 2018-2020 in the London global disability July 2018 where the states participating made more than 170 commitment giving priority and inclusion the PWDs and DPOs in their nations and countries of operation the donors. A new hope for the 1 billion PWDs on earth. The largest conference for the disability hosted by the U.K. Department for International Development, the Kenyan government and the International Disability Alliance.
Political participation in Somalia for the members of the PWDs persons with disabilities is big question impossible in the decision making to host members from the disability people as high profile persons potential to responsibility of the government organs both the local authorities, federal state governments, federal government cabinet and the parliament
PWDs has no representation in the legislation both upper house and house of the people. Nearly 339 MPs elected in the Somali clans elected 51 voters in 2016. Where PWDs had not role in the election mechanism the coordinating teams, voters and the candidate of the elections tailored for the non-disabled people. The vast majority of the Somalia people who has long record of the PWDs discriminations.
Welcome, the Somalia political conflict signed 27 may 2021 in Mogadishu with full representation nationwide Somalia people, hundreds persons from the civil society, politicians, the international community, MPs. Members in the cabinet and the speakers of the parliament and the president of Somalia. A new hope for election to the 2021 the country reducing the risk of the civil war in the country. An important victory PWDs welcome because they were more worried and concerned the impact of the war to the vulnerable disabled people.
- Insure the role and the rights of the persons with disabilities should be uphold and respected unusually before the Somalia joined the CRPD
- Insure inclusive for all humanitarian, development and partnership in the hundreds millions donors spent Somalia
- Insure the implementation of the CRPD by the civil society, international community and Somalia government.
- Insure the inclusion of the PWDs the independent commission and election committees and the next election 2021 in Somalia
Next meeting
the 6 meeting of the 2021 will take place the last week of the June host one of the DPOs member in the cluster.