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The Week of the Disability People in Somalia


the week disability people which is the first week of the December from the 3 to the 10 of the December. where number of event is held in Mogadishu organized by the  DPOs the disabled people organizations and the  federal state ministries and federal government of Somalia in many different areas in the country from    regional and capital city of Mogadishu

Apart from the commemoration event there was side events in  line with disability  people week held in the country Paralympic games held  so for in Galkacyo jointly organized the Galmdug state ministry of women and human rights and the DPOs based in the town. In Mogadishu the capital city of Somalia IEDP Institute of education for the disabled people organized Paralympic games  for  disability people teams with  with small  contribution from the  LVG project  UNDP, UNSMOM.

In the Paralympic game Galkayac  four teams from the different parts of the Galkacyo town villages is competed . in Mogadishu three districts competed Wadajir the host of the games and the Hodan and Shingane districts in the Bandir local authority.  With variety games hand ball for the wheelchair people, football for the deaf people and rope pull for the blind and other teams.

One of the most exiting games  ever seen and heard in the country broadcast   from the national tv and other local tv with social media  spread. This is not the first of  its kind, the put the first joint start   from the UNDP and other donors supported. The first time where federal state ministry supported with UNWOMEN program in Gakaacyo.

Somalia signed the national disability agency law establishing  disability agency providing  care and  the development of the disability people. The President of Somalia HE Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo signed on 31 December 2018  mandated the ministry of the women and human rights in the time Mrs. Deqa Yasin who did not succeed  finalized the establishment of the national disability agency leadership five  persons selected  from the types  of the disabilities.

Disabled people scholars raised the discrimination against   from the   ministry of  women and human rights. when they missed the opportunity to work with the ministry of the women and human rights. Where their potential and education  is denied and neglect to contribute the ministry for the disability people issue. Similarly the DPOs complained lack of cooperation from the ministry

Somalia signed CRPD the convention rights persons  disability 2019  and  become the 178 state signed   and ratified . An international act utilizing more rights  for the disability people and obligations on the decision maker on the ground in any country ratified the treaty.  enabling   access the political and social in the country. a universal rights  that has not been done so far by the  civil society, international donors and the Somali government.

Somalia launched national draft bill initiative for the national disability act in the county on October 2019 which has not got active consultation with the DPOs on the ground.  except small occasions the disability rights activist contribution made which  has not been written in the draft.  The activist say we afraid to be cheated as we experienced before  in the process of consultations for the  national disability agency draft bill  were most important  of their contributions  deleted in the  draft.  is was process full of discrimination and  manipulation of the ministry women and human rights.

Somalia tenth parliament passed two laws local and international which are in the shelf of the ministry women and human rights. Not so far implemented,  activist has made many time protest against the problems the disability people face from the ministry of the women and human rights.

The  disability people told the media that the government of Mr. Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and the tenth parliament  imitated more rights to the disability than all other governments served after the civil war.  the last four years  most  disability people has been hearing from the media the government signed the rights and the budgets from the disability people.  A question most disability people asking the last four years where the rights signed gone and who has taken from them. And the complaint from the activists are the government is not willing to hand over the disability their rights.

The question from the PWDs who are 20% of the Somalia people is when will they get all their rights the have as citizen In the country and the discrimination angst the disability people  prohibited. And the government should realize the role of the disability in the decision making for their work and interest.

With President of Somalia HE Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and the tenth parliament requested  to insure the disability people  enjoying  the political participation in the country  and full enjoyment with decision making tables. And the  establishment national disability agency with scholars and education from the disability people.

the next article of the feature will come soon

Mr. Abdullahi Hassan Hussein




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