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Burundi journalists conclude 5-day visit to Somalia


Mogadishu – Twelve Burundian journalists have concluded a five-day embed with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).

The journalists from eight media houses, arrived in Somalia on 3 February 2020, to report on Burundi’s contribution to peace efforts in Somalia. Burundi is one of the AMISOM Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs), alongside Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda.

During the embed, the journalists met and interviewed the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the AU Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Francisco Madeira.

Ambassador Madeira briefed them on the status of implementing the Somalia Transition Plan under which AMISOM will transfer security responsibilities to the Somali security forces.
He also enumerated the milestones and achievements of AMISOM as well as challenges. Ambassador Madeira also paid tribute to Burundi for the sacrifice and contribution to the restoration of peace and stability in Somalia.

“I appreciate Burundi for deploying troops and resources to stabilise Somalia, in the true spirit of pan-Africanism,” stated Ambassador Madeira.

The journalists also visited the AMISOM Burundi contingent based in Jowhar, Hirshabelle State to see them at work.

While in Jowhar, the journalists interviewed the Deputy Governor of HirshabelleState, Mohamed Abdi Sheikh, and the Mayor of Jowhar town, Salah Mudey Ali. They toured Jowhar to assess the security and cordial working relations between AMISOM and state authorities.

The journalists also engaged with the Burundian AMISOM troops led by Contingent Commander, Brig. Gen. Richard Banyakimbona, and visited the AMISOM Level I hospital in Jowhar and an internally displaced people’s camp.

The journalists also interviewed the AMISOM Force Commander, Lt. Gen. Tigabu Yilma Wondimhunegn on security, progress in implementing the transition plan, and the role of Burundi in stabilising Somalia.

At the end of the embed, Haidallah Hakizimana, a reporter with the national broadcaster, RTNB, said the visit had given him an appreciate of the contributions of the Burundi army to Somalia.

Through the African Peace Facility provided by the European Union, AMISOM regularly organises field visits for journalists from Troop and Police Contributing Countries.
source: AMISOM

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